Saturday, April 30, 2011
What If?
Monday, April 25, 2011
Our Easter
We had an unconventional Easter Day today. Last week we got together with my husband's family to celebrate Easter, so Easter Day was mostly to ourselves. We read the Easter story together as a family, much as we do for Christmas. Then, we had communion together.
We also had the last of our cattle give birth. We were nervous about her. This cow (Annabell) was one of our original calves. She had her first calf last year. As a Heifer (new Momma Cow) we expected her to have a rough time with the birth last year. Yet, she is from a breed that normally has fairly large calves and sometimes has hard births regardless if they are a first time Momma or not. So, we were pleased today when for the most part she delivered her calf by herself. It was hiplocked at the end, but came easily when my husband rotated the calf. It probably would have turned on it's own. And the calf (a girl) was up and nursing within 40 minutes, which is really good. So we were very happy.
The girls also decorated their own eggs for Easter, which they were totally psyched about. It seems I haven't done that activity with them very much in the past and they didn't remember doing it.
I also got this shot of my husband and my baby boy, sleeping together for an instant. It is a joy having a baby boy.
Happy Easter. He is Risen indeed.
1st Hike
Josiah went on his first hike here this weekend. We went to Multnomah Falls. We like to go there at least once a year. Last time we hiked there I was pregnant with him.
The whole falls is something to behold from the bridge below Multnomah Falls. That big rock there at the bottom is about the size of a bus and fell off the cliff a good while back.
And here are my three girls in the little "cave" on the walk up to the falls...this is always a favorite stop on the way.
Unfortunately, this day we didn't make it all the way to the top, but there is always next time.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Early Spring Nature Study
My favorite - The Trillium
Smooth Yellow Violet
Salmonberry Flower
Skunk Cabbage Flower
We think this is Oaks Toothwort, but it varies slightly from the sample in our wildflower book.
Oregon Oxalis
Waxpaper Lichen
We aren't sure what this is. Anyone know?