I remember reading Beauty And The Beast as a child, and being sorely disappointed when the popular Beauty And The Beast movie came out. The two stories are nothing alike. My girls and I read the original Beauty and the Beast yesterday and they loved it. I had them read two pages each and I read the rest.
The reading of the original is pretty challenging, but they were so curious about the story that I think they really enjoyed it. I would stop them periodically in the reading and ask them what a phrase or a word meant.
Another thing that happened spontaneously with the reading that the girls (the 6 and 9 year old) really seemed to enjoy, was an acting exercise. I asked the girls what a word meant (an emotion) and asked them to act it out. The girls acted shy and silly, but I could tell they enjoyed it. I was asked by the nine year old if we could do this every day. I knew I stumbled upon some effective learning tool. Later, I had them draw their own Beauty And The Beast characters.
Broccoli & Hummingbirds
We have been having quite the cold snap. We planted Broccoli starts a couple of weeks back, knowing they are supposed to be cold weather tolerant, as long as there wasn't a deep freeze. Then, for most of a week, we had snow. You can see my picture below of snow on March 29. We live a little higher than town at 600 feet, but usually we are free and clear of any such weather by this time of year. Last night we had a deep freeze, I'm afraid, as it dipped to 24 degrees F. I hope the Broccoli survived.
The Hummingbirds seemed extra hungry because of the cold, as well. We hadn't hung up our feeders yet this year and usually hang them up before now. This morning, a cute little hummingbird flew up to my window and looked inside. He seemed to be looking all over. Then he flew to the other side of the house and looked in our front door. I figured I better get the feeders up. And, right away he made his way to the feeders.
Here is a pic:
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