It is my Art Girl's birthday today. She is a big seven years old today. She has graced me with her love and enthusiasm for life all these seven years. For that I want to tell her thank you.
Art Girl, you and your sisters have taught me more than anyone else in my life (everyone but Daddy). You are a gift. I enjoy being your Mommy each and every day!
Here is a poem I wrote to you when you were little, like Wiggle Monster is now. Mommy still feels this way about you. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
Little One
Little One
I love you so
I miss you
While only in the next room
My heart soars when I see you smile
My heart quakes when your lip quivers
My heart tears to see you sad
Little One
May we always stay so close
Here are some pics of my dear sweet Art Girl:
My Little Baby Smiley Girl
I Missed My Mom I love to crawl
I'm good at pushing things. My First Birthday Cake
Sleepy, Sleepy I love camping.
At the top of Silverstar Mountain. Look at that monkey.
Hmmm. What an interesting boy! Tunnels are fun.
I'm a cowgirl at heart. Piggy tails.
Mmmm. Peanut Butter & Jelly I like cows.
I'm three! At the zoo with my sister.
Just playing. I'm five and I like cheesecake.
Not now, mom. There's a chicken on my shoulder.
In the chicken coop. Soccer
All I want is my two front teeth. My cap.
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