Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone! We are enjoying our day. There were no major glitches today, except for forgetting to turn the oven back on for the Turkey, after the power went out briefly. So, our Christmas evening dinner will be a little late. We opened presents last night and then the girls got some things in their stockings this morning. They are in hog heaven. I'll have some more photos for you all as I go on, but I wanted to share two with you now.

This first picture is a panoramic of the hill behind our property. I wanted you all to see in a similar way that you would in person - looking from left to right. No, I didn't get a fancy fish-eye lens for Christmas or anything. I just pieced photos together in Photoshop and attempted to blend them. Do you like it?


The second is a picture of me. Now, that's unusual, since I am the picture taker of the family. I handed the camera over to my step-daughter Mariah, put it on Portrait and had her take my picture. I'm glad, my avatar I've been using is a picture which is several years old and was taken in Maui. Oh, that was nice. We looked on the internet this morning and Maui was 80 degrees at 8:25 in the morning and the ocean was smooth. Perfect for snorkling. One day we'll do it again. But, anyhow, I digress, the picture wasn't very new, nor very wintery. So, I'm happy to get this picture.


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