Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nature Walk - Pictures

I had fun playing with pictures today. We went on a nature walk again today. The girls loved it, but of course wanted to go further. I am struck by how green everything is - and yet so bare within the Lewis Watershed. I would like to take the girls to the end of the watershed to the Ridgefield bird sanctuary, where the Lewis meets up with the Mighty Columbia. We are blessed to be so close to so many wonderful streams, lakes, and rivers. We saw a Bald Eagle fly over us just as I was setting up for the first picture. I wish I could have been fast enough to catch a picture. It flew less than 20 feet over our heads. Here are my pics.

Lewis River @ Hantwick

Lewis River

By The Road
I was having fun with my tripod here. I took a fairly slow exposure, a shutter speed setting of 8, and had my girls stand really still, getting the car moving behind them as a blur.

Moulton Falls - Soft
I was also having fun with my new toy here. Again, I had my camera on a tripod and set my shutter speed fairly slow.

Moulton Falls - Girls

Reflection of bridge at Moulton Falls

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