Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Here is another picture for you. We saw these turtles (I think they are turtles - the difference between a turtle and a tortoise still mystifies me - and I just did a google search)...well, we saw them when we went to the bird sanctuary on Saturday. My sweet husband took me there when I was feeling sad about being sick. Really, he said, "do you want to go to a park or something?" And, I said, "yes, how about the bird sanctuary?" I know I'm supposed to stay home when I'm sick - but all the people at the bird sanctuary were in their own cars - so it was good. I hadn't been before and now I'm not afraid to try to find it. When I'm feeling all the way better, I think I'll spend a whole day there with my girls. I don't have a zoom lens right now - so hopefully I will replace or fix my zoom lens before then too.


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