We enjoyed our long weekend camping. We went to the Olympic National Park. It was a bit cold in the evenings and the campsite wasn't as toddler friendly. This made it a little less relaxing to me than our previous trip. The hikes and outings made it fully worth the inconveniences, however, and I came back from the weekend refreshed.
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.
Can you feel the cloud rolling in over the hill?
I could not believe how close this deer was letting me get to him.
These Ptarmigan's were incredibly friendly too. They totally look like young chickens to me. They looked almost identical to a pullet (a not yet egg laying chicken) and did the same things as chickens - free ranging, dirt baths.
Abigail is sad here because we were done with our three hour hike and we were getting her down from the backpack! I guess she wanted it to last longer.
Abigail was not so thrilled with the Ocean. She wanted to go all the way up to the water, but was not very happy when a wave came in. She loved playing in the sand though.
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