Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Easter

We had an unconventional Easter Day today. Last week we got together with my husband's family to celebrate Easter, so Easter Day was mostly to ourselves. We read the Easter story together as a family, much as we do for Christmas. Then, we had communion together.

We also had the last of our cattle give birth. We were nervous about her. This cow (Annabell) was one of our original calves. She had her first calf last year. As a Heifer (new Momma Cow) we expected her to have a rough time with the birth last year. Yet, she is from a breed that normally has fairly large calves and sometimes has hard births regardless if they are a first time Momma or not. So, we were pleased today when for the most part she delivered her calf by herself. It was hiplocked at the end, but came easily when my husband rotated the calf. It probably would have turned on it's own. And the calf (a girl) was up and nursing within 40 minutes, which is really good. So we were very happy.

The girls also decorated their own eggs for Easter, which they were totally psyched about. It seems I haven't done that activity with them very much in the past and they didn't remember doing it.

I also got this shot of my husband and my baby boy, sleeping together for an instant. It is a joy having a baby boy.


Happy Easter. He is Risen indeed.


julie said...

Oh that sweet baby boy. He looks so much smaller next to your hubbie than on his bike for the hike. Your children fall opposite mine. I'm three boys and then a girl. Baby boys are sweet aren't they? He'll make a great husband one day growing up with 3 sisters. Even tho my baby girl is 6 maybe later on we could arrange a marriage??? Hee Hee!

I remember when Danielle was born. It took me three days in the hospital to realize girls wet the back of their diapers and not the front. I thought she never peed. Couldn't understand it. I still chuckle at my lack of "girl skills".

I love your waterfall photos. They are beautiful. What a tremendous place. So green!!!

Have a great week.
How is homeschooling with a baby going?


Anonymous said...

That photo is precious! I love your sons hands behind his head. Thank you for visiting my blog and listing me as your friend. I love having new friends! I loook forward to getting to know you.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, This is one of the best photos! It will be a favorite for years to come. You should enter it into some contests.