Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Time Is Flying By
The first day home, my step-daughter was here too and we determined it was important for the whole family to bond.
The second day I had a Mother/Baby appointment. My step-daughter went with me to that while everyone else waited in the car. I think it was a good experience for her.
Then, my friend came for a day, which was great fun. My husband got to get out and do something with his tractor (I can't remember what - Jon loves to do things on his tractor). Really, that day was a blur.
Then, it was the weekend.
Then, my Mom called and said she intended to come help. I had asked her to come at some point, but not been specific on when. She came for five days. It was good. Jon got to go to work and certain farm jobs. My Mom went the grocery store for us and she did some laundry and dishes and made dinner one night. She really bonded with the grandchildren I think. It was challenging too, just because she approaches life and the kids way different than we do. Really, the kids would have been more of a help, but they kept listening for Grandparent sympathies about the chores they were asked to do.
Now, we've had a second weekend. Then, yesterday, Monday, I had a baby doctor's appointment that Jon had to take me to. (I can't pick up the toddler now and I can't drive because of the C-Section.) That practically took all day. And, now, today, Jon has done "work" but in the morning, it was clearing a business property we badly need to sell. Now, this afternoon, he's running into work and taking the toddler. So, I get to do my blogging.
And tomorrow probably he'll work and take the toddler or the toddler and the seven year old, and we'll do our original plan.
By the way, we are sort of switching curriculum this year. Not really, but I decided to buy Robinson curriculum. My teaching has kind of been a combination of Robinson and Charlotte Mason, so this isn't entirely new. But, I wanted to get his product so that, at least for this year, I can simply follow his curriculum (adding a little of my own). It's self-teaching (which I totally agree with) and that will work well for me this year, while I figure out more what I want to do. I think I would do Sonlight, but it's expensive and some of it I think I would view as unnecessary twaddle. So, I'd have to analyze my curriculum anyhow, I might as well follow Robinson and analyze what I want to do on top of that, anyhow.
One of the things my husband is doing for me this afternoon is getting the curriculum put together so it will work on my computer (which is Windows 7 64 bit). One of our employees helped us get together the necessary file/s to run Robinson's Reader Program in 64 bit. It's so nice to have that resource.
Here are a couple of cute pics to share with you of our little buddy.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Our Baby Is Here
Right now, I am working to try and figure out how to train our little man to sleep without being held by me or asleep next to me. I know the little ones need that closeness, but there is a point of reasonability. Being a human pacifier is not my goal. We are also still working on getting nursing running smoothly. I've nursed three other babies and until a pretty decent age, so I'm not concerned with giving up on nursing or anything. But, I'm waiting for my milk supply to regulate itself and also for little man to have more distinct sleep/wake cycles and keeping up with little man as far as good nursing habits go.
I'm also recovering from a C-Section. And, today, I started getting hives. Must be a reaction to the narcotics. So, I may go off of them a day or two before I was originally thinking I would go off of them. Pray for me and baby that God's hand would be over our health and well-being. Here are some of my favorite pictures of our little man to share with you.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Friendships are hard. Especially for introverts and especially for creative types. I think sometimes too we have such false beliefs about our friendships (as women) - that this friend is to be this, this, and this for me. Maybe it is only God's plan for her to be this one thing for me. And maybe, being my personality, that I know doesn't tend to make friendships easily, maybe I need to not think more realistically and not think every friendship I have to get back exactly what I give. Maybe God has called me to give more than I recieve and be OK with that. And to realize that what I give won't always be appreciated, but I serve as unto the Lord, anyhow. Also, maybe I need to realize, God put this friend in my life, only to fill this small little area and as I yield to him he'll reveal other friends in my life to fill these other areas. Ultimately, I am so thankful to God to allow me to spend my life with my best friend, my husband, anyhow. And while my husband doesn't fill every need (and sometimes I freak out about that), he fills the really deep needs and God provides for other needs as I yield to him and allow myself to give to others freely. Well, just rambling about my own experience. I look forward to reading more about what your are learning in this area. My prayers are with you.
Post To Go Back To - Rain Gutter Shelves
Here is an excellently simple do it yourself project, that I'd like to come back to. I think it would be perfect for my little boy's room. These are book shelves like they have on the display wall at bookstores. The young reader can see the books looking out at them instead of just seeing their spines.
My older girls DO NOT need this - they get out plenty of books as it is. LOL. Plus, the shear volumes of the books they read would never fit on shelves like these, unless I covered our whole house of them.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Finishing Things Up
The van got a thorough shampooing yesterday by my husband. And, I spent a bunch of time this morning cleaning my husband's work bench in the garage (of all things). Do you think cleaning your husband's area counts as nesting?
My middle girl and I had a doctor's appointment today. I have to say, I was hoping to like the whole experience more. But, alas, I did not. We got some great news, however. That news was that Rachey's renal scan came back showing there was no obstruction in the kidney. Also, the pediatric urologist thought that the grade one reflux, was only a small concern and was caused by learned potty behavior.
I was greeted by a resident and a medical student and grilled extensively. As the resident was leaving, she said that my middle girl showed no signs of kidney obstruction, but that they might want to do a urological function test (or some such thing). Then, the pediatric urologist came in and pretty much told me that this was all a learned potty behavior and that they needed me to do timed voids (which I pretty much was already doing) and I needed to put her back on Miralax. Miralax was a nightmare for us before. Anyhow, after my questioning of him about this (and after me having tears) his response was that 'I obviously had a lot on my mind and I could consider doing the Miralax after a while, when things calmed down in my life' (i.e. when I was no longer pregnant). I guess, he may be right about the whole of what to do, however. They have a slightly more refined protocol than the regular pediatrician and urologist did for treating her bowel and bladder issues. But, before when I was doing this, we had many, many accidents. But, there is more to the protocol, such as timed voids and feeling her stomach to make sure she relaxes when she goes. I so hope this fixes my daughter's issues altogether, kidney and potty training alike and that I don't go through what I went through before with my middle girl on Miralax.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Baby Boy
A Day Out
My little girl and I went and did some shopping while the girls were in class. I bought my middle girl her birthday present, returned some library books, and stocked up on gluten free food for my middle daughter (I won't want to go out for that soon). Then, I picked up the older girls and we went to the grocery. I was hot and exhausted when we got home. I'm trying to prepare like crazy, because I have a week and a half before my C-Section.
When we got home, I asked my older daughter to bring in some groceries. My middle daughter ran to the back of the van and started digging (trying to figure out what bag of groceries she wanted to bring in I suppose). She found her gift. Oh, well, what do you do?
Here is a picture I will share with you of me, now, at 37 1/2 weeks pregnant, in the final countdown days. I can't wait for our little boy to arrive. Boy, will it be strange. :)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
June & July
"It actually looks like it's raining right now, but I think it's just the fog falling out of the sky. I love these days when it is foggy in the morning and it burns off to sunshine by the afternoon. Now, how to start my day? I have a little time before heading off with Rachey."
"My parents were down in the area at a dog show. They came over and we got to have dinner with them. It was a nice evening. The girls are always fighting over who gets to sit next to Grandpa. They like his teasing."
Me: "You know when the baby comes he's going to get all the attention." My oldest: "Yeah, right now you and my little sister get all the attention."
I'd like to make it to the NW Quilting Expo this year. We'll see. Lots of sewing classes for creative, easy projects that aren't quilting.
NW Quilting Expo
"My husband took the older three hiking. I've just got my cute little one now. Maybe I will actually get around to sewing a nursing cover for Baby. My old one is pink. Nursing covers are way better than blankets."
"Heading off to art and violin. My kids favorite day of the week. Soon, they will have to take a two month break from activities, as we prepare and welcome our new family member. I hope they survive."
"We tried a one night camping trip. Didn't go too badly. Of course, my husband did all the setup and meal prep, etc. for his pregnant wife...and pampered me with LOTS of padding and pillows. We love camping, so I'm happy we were able to do something together this summer."
"I must say I am thoroughly enjoying my summer. I think it should be this time of year all year round. Of course, we must also have ample water with which to garden and play."
My Littlest Girl - "Ice Nean, Dachel. We're going to Ice Nean." Dachel (my middle one- later) - "The fudge (hot fudge) tastes sour because I put it on my sour taste bud."
Here's a neat website I found. It features all types of campgrounds and you can search by location, type, and facilities...easily. For Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
Campground Search
Beautiful day, and my neck is thrown out, and I can't take advil because I'm pregnant. Stupid me, I was showing my husband all the stretches to do and not doing them every day myself.
I'm in shock. My really contrary lately toddler walked straight to her room and climbed in her bed when I told her it was time for nap. What's up with that? I like it though.
I'm beat. A full day - first housecleaning, then gardening.
We planted between 50 and 100 corn and bean plants and we got about three each that came up. And we planted two weeks late! What a year. Starts are struggling too. But, the raspberries are HAPPY.
Our little boy has taken to want to wake up at 5:00 in the morning and do a bunch of aerobics. I think I may end up sleep deprived with this one, but I can't wait to meet him.
My littlest one's toddlerese..."I'm not coming"="I don't know where it is"...and..."Mommy, baby's not in your tummy."
We went to Mt. St. Helens today. I forgot my camera. Too bad, it was so beautiful. An amazing place - a real testament to God's majesty. We go about once a year. I always want to go on Hummocks trail. Not this year!
Rachey went for her Urologist appt. today. Since there is a slight change in her one kidney, we were given a referral to Pediatric Neurology at Doernbecher and doing the VCUG (for reflex) and nuclear scan within the month. She only has one kidney so they are being vigilent.
Was out at a dr. appt. this morning, far away from home in Clackamas and stopped in here for lunch. Much to my surpise, bread like my homemade bread, but better. Perhaps it's a good thing there isn't one in my neighborhood, or I'd be tempted not to make bread. Way better than Dave's Killer Bread and it's fresh. Yumm.
Strawberry beds my husband made for me. Ditch, pipe, and hose is for drip irrigation. Jon's planting the strawberry plants as I speak. We bought new ones because the June bearing and the weeds took over all the everbearing.
"Had a good weekend hanging around with the girls and their Dad (my honey) all weekend. So thankful my girls have such an involved and solid Dad to look up to. On Saturday he put in our new strawberry beds, so it'll be easier to keep our strawberries weed free."
"Anyone else can't help but laugh when you send your older toddler to time out and they do the little stompy dance, but go nonetheless?"
"I took my nine year old to an Orchestra concert tonight. Her first real Orchestra concert. I asked her how she liked it, she said she loved it. She never uses the word "love" to show enthusiasm. My 6 y.o. with ants in her pants wanted to go, but I told her it would be a bit long for her. In the end she was happy since Dad got her Choc. Ice Cream."
Goings On
I have less than two weeks to go. I have a planned C-Section scheduled for the 15th of August. This part of my pregnancy has actually been easier for me, although my belly is certainly getting quite uncomfortable. Yet, pain from varicose veins doesn't plague me anymore, nor nausea, and my emotional life has been settling out. So, here I am at home, nesting, getting ready for baby...as ready as I'll ever be. This baby is my fourth (husband's fifth) and is our first boy. We're pretty excited (not that we wouldn't be if he was supposed to be a she). It's been fun decorating his room in BOY Stuff. OMG!
My One Kidney Girl
The other big thing that has been going on is testing for my one kidney girl. My middle daughter had an almost completely blocked kidney from the get go (18 week ultrasound). It was like an over inflated balloon and they removed it when she was 10-11 months old. Here, recently, she had a couple of kidney infections in her remaining kidney. Oh, no! So, we had issues with anti-biotics, getting an appointment soon enough with her Urologist, getting an out of network referral to a Pediatric Urologist (there are only two in our city), following up with her primary Urologist on anti-biotic issues, getting a Nuclear Renal Scan and a VCUG (the Kidney Reflux test) done, and soon to go and meet with the Pediatric Urologist (on the 10th of August - 5 days before baby is to arrive).
At the same time, I was questioning my Mom about whether she had any more Kidney infections (she had one once when I was on a trip with her), and come to find out she's had lots of them and that she had once seen a Urologist for them and he wanted her to take preventative anti-biotics, but she got an infection anyhow, and because she felt it was bad advice and a pain to get into him, she never went back to the Urologist, but rather to her general practioner. So, my Mom and I (my Mom is almost 70) are e-mailing back and forth about the necessity of getting the proper tests and her being followed by an actual specialist. I'm not sure I'm convincing her. It's hard, my Mom is very passive and I don't think she likes to have to be assertive with medical caregivers. I think that's why she's comfortable with doing whatever her general practioner says and no more. Ugggh. Well, we'll see. She can make her own choices, I know.
That's most of what's going on right now. Learning activities are taking a backseat this summer, although we've done a few here and there and the girls have still been participating in the Art and Ballet over the summer. It's been a cool summer. Our garden hasn't done well. I suppose that's OK. That's kind of what happens anyhow on the years when I'm pregnant. I have been enjoying all the light and warm (but not too hot) weather. It's been enjoyable.