Saturday, November 8, 2008

Playing and Working

We have been playing and working all week long.

For school we've plodded along with reading, copywork, math, violin, and art - with general study of things that interest Natalie and Rachel. Rachel has been making progress with Bob books and loves her math worksheets. Natalie was excited to be starting multiplication and fractions on her math worksheets - since she's had a lot of exposure to these topics in cooking and violin.

I made a couple of loaves of bread this week. One gluten free for Rachel and four whole wheat. I also made Pumpkin Bread, which I've been experimenting with recipes for this for the longest time. I was pretty happy with the bread, except it was a bit too big for my pan and thus didn't cook well in the middle. I'd also like it to be a bit spicier. I'm aiming at Starbuck's Pumpkin loaf - only of course, I'm sure that has all sorts of additives, and I want mine strictly homemade.

I can't really say what else I was doing this week. Jon worked late several evenings this week and he also took care of some car issues for us. My dh has been concerned for our business for a while. I've been getting back involved with the business on a small scale. On Thursday, I worked on a web project for work from home most of the day. Friday evening, Jon and I went into work. My duties at work revolve around website search engine optimization, monitoring pay per click advertising, doing website tweaks, and strategizing with my husband. It has been real stressful for me at times in the past to get too involved in work, while being a full time Mommy. The economy is really hitting us hard - I hope I can make a difference at our business - give it a boost without becoming too involved again. God will provide a way. I think Jon and I must be very prayerful - always of course, but especially right now with the times the way they are.

Today, we were hanging around the house. It rained liked the Dickens today. Jon and the older girls were out in it working on a fence. Here are a couple of pictures of things going on.

Natalie building a lego house.

Mariah building a lego mansion.

I take forever at sewing. I've been working on this dress for Mariah since summer.

This is broccoli from our garden on November 8th, if you can believe it. Broccoli is a wonderfully long season vegetable. It keeps going for the most part if you just faithfully trim it. Also, you can put up a number of rotations of Broccoli and have Broccoli even past the first freeze. Jon did tell me that this would be the last of our Broccoli and that I would have to buy some now. Alas, I wish I could eat homegrown produce all year round. Maybe one day...

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