Saturday, March 23, 2013

A New (Old) Video

I recently upgraded my (still picture) camera. This was a long thought out purchase. The new camera has a list of things my older camera didn't include.


  • Improved low light photos
  • Live view
  • Better focus options
  • Better lighting options
  • C-MOS dust problem solved
  • And, lastly video (really nice video)

So, this got me thinking about videos. With my old video camera, it wasn't as easy to process videos for the web. So, I procrastinated making the videos, but today I decided to work on my videos.

Here's some of my work from today, a video of my little guy when he was a baby. I love him now, but I miss that.

1 comment:

Holly said...

awww! He's such a cutie & it looks like you all enjoy him so much as he's growing up. Holly