Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Creative Endeavors & The Snow


Well, today, was a beautiful day. It snowed today. Three inches! That's a lot to us. We were hoping for seven, since the forcast was for three to seven. But, we'll take three. It could get tricky, as I haven't quite finished Christmas shopping and our hill coming in and going out of our place is so hard to maneuver. My husband does have a Ford F350 though with four wheel drive - and he has chains. So, we should be able to figure it out - but it may be a group effort. You know, he takes me to where I still need to buy presents for him and then he picks me up. As it is, my husband always tells me specifically what he wants, and doesn't want me to use my creativity when it comes to gift giving. Basically, he wants tools or tool accessories. Sounds unusual, doesn't it?

Video Of The Snow

Well, I wanted to share the snow with you. However, my camera battery was dead. And, I do have a backup battery! However, it was dead too. So, I'll have to charge them both, one at a time. However, I did take some video of the girls. And, it has been my goal, for I don't know how many years to figure out how to take that video and put it up on the internet. I spent two hours trying to figure it out just now, only to come to the conclusion that I need to buy some software and/or some hardware. Basically the "editing software" that came with the video camera does not work (and it has that reputation out there - it's not just me). So, we'll see - SOMETIME I want to share that with you. For today, you'll just have to trust me that it was beautiful.

I'll Share This Instead

I have been inspired by Julie's blog and by Alyssa's blog. They both always have such beautiful pictures and do such neat work with Photoshop. Alyssa also puts up some neat videos. So, I played with Photoshop and even though it doesn't have much to do with homeschooling, I share it with you now:

This is the actual picture my husband took of our home:


This is the Photoshopped picture where I turned it into our home at night:


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