Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Week

My Week April 20-24, 2009


I keep having unbelievers and our nation and what we stand for on my heart. I will keep praying. But, also, I pray that God would direct me how to reach out to others in a tangible way.

Our Farm

Dora Ann still hasn't calved. She's at least a week past her due date - according to the last possible date she could have gotten pregnant. And, she keeps faking us out. She lost her calf last year and we weren't home at the time, so we're extra nervous. We hope it was just a fluke and that we get to keep her. She is such a sweet Momma - loves to be scratched.

I'm waiting on my greenhouse seedlings to sprout. I have one warmer for my trays. Otherwise, it's been above freezing in there, but not optimal.

The steers got out of the electric fence at the neighbors, so this week Jon is working on re-inforcing the fence over there - making it double layered in spots. He is also working on tilling a couple acres of field to replant.

Our Home & Health

We've all been healthy, except Rachel is fighting a cold. I don't know where we get them from - dance, church, or the grocery store - those are pretty much the only places we go!

I felt like I was treading water with the house all week. Oh, well, "some days are like that".

I've been trying to eat less, to the point of feeling hungry all week. My feet have been bothering me so I haven't added walking to my routine, but I've done a lot of stretching.

In The Schoolroom

We started each day with Violin practice. On Tuesday we went to dance. Nat did Saxon Math four out of five days, but it was taking her like an hour to an hour and a half to do her math by Thursday, so on Friday, I just let her do her own thing on math, which was actually a pretty good summary of what she had learned this week. Nat's been working through the human body book on her own. She even wanted to do it on Saturday she is that interested. She learned about teeth and nutrition among other things this week. She's been doing copywork from the Bible and also from the Handbook of Nature Study. She has chosen mostly to write about sheep. She really wants a goat and I think sheep are close to goats, so she's hooked. We've been doing a lot of nature study this week. Not four to six hours a day, but a good hour of dedicated time each day, plus free time outside. We looked at our giant Douglas Fir and it's deep grooves at the bottom of our property this Friday. We've continued with Parables Of Nature, Fifty Famous Stories, and Trial and Triump this week. Nat is reading By The Shores Of Silver Lake of the Little House Series this week. We went to soccer on Thursday - in the rain, and Nat had a soccer game on Saturday. The game is a challenge for her - especially the cold, early mornings, but she pretty much begs to continue next year, so I think we may. I keep going back and forth.

Rachel has really made progress reading this week. She is finally getting most of the letters - including the letter "I". Yeah! And she is all the sudden able to understand the "vowel followed by a consonant followed by an e" rule. She can't actually tell me vowels from consonants - but she gets that certain letters followed by other letters followed by an e say their name and the e says, "shhhh!" How cool is that! I can't tell you how pumped I am at that.

Abigail, well Abigail is cute and she likes to do "Copywork" too right next to sisters - she likes to get out pencils and paper, help with the dishes and the laundry. She's just plain cute!

Our Business

I haven't been into work this week at all. Business is pretty slow as I hear from almost everyone, yet we are hopeful for opportunities and for God's blessing.


On Friday, we went to dinner with some friends. Here are some cute pictures from that night:





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